Archive for On the painting table

April Update

Or “Why hasn’t there been any new videos?!?

So, don’t you hate when life gets in the way of your hobby time? Between job hunting, interviews and getting a new job things have been a little busy.

So here’s what I have had time for over the last couple weeks…

Shoota Boyz


I picked up a full squad of used 30 shoota boyz from a great store for second hand minis, Worlds Collide in Oshawa. I’ve managed to pick up all sorts used stuff over the years, and none of it ever has the mold lines removed, but for 50 cent a boy, I can’t complain to much. So the squad has been cleaned up and based, all ready to be primed.



Skin and basing done on the grots for the Lobbas, just need to finish the highlights on the cloth.

Eldar Dire Avengers


After skipping a couple months of the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge, I’m aiming to paint this squad up, and HOPEFULLY we create a video as well (time permitting).

Oh, and I’m 90% done editing my 40K BatRep from late March, Orks vs Tyranids.

Here’s to a more productive next few weeks.

Painting Tutorial 3 – Basic Basing

Just a super quick painting tutorial in response to a comment on the Weathering Drago tutorial.



On the painting table – Fenris 1

I included Les’ Fenris models as part of my MuseOnMinis pledge for February, and thought it would be an interesting model to do a video painting tutorial with as well.

But in the meantime, I’ll post pictures of what’s been done as I go.

1. Priming

Models primed with Vallejo’s Acrylic Polyurethane Primer. It was a bit of a challenge as I’ve been having some issues with my airbrush, so the coverage wasn’t as good as I’d like. Plus, I can’t recall if the models were washed, which can be problematic. I guess time will tell.


2. Flesh coat

I started with a coat of P3’s Khardic Flesh thinned with homemade airbrush thinner at a ratio of 1:2 of Paint to Thinner.


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2013 Painting Commitments – 1

So, for those who don’t know me very well, I’ve been playing, well, collecting Games Workshop games for quite some time now… starting with Space Hulk in 1988. I have bought a fair amount of stuff over the years, and I’m ashamed to admit, most has gone unpainted.

Flash forward 25 years (Holy Crap! 25 years?!?) and I’ve gotten a bit better at getting stuff painted, with almost half of my Orks with at least some paint on them. But my first 40k army (Eldar) has been mostly ignored for a very, very long time.

Enter the Independent Characters 2013 Hobby Progress Challenge.

To quickly summarize, the challenge is to fully paint 1,850pts of 40k models before November 30, 2013 for the chance to win prizes. Plus you have a fully painted 1,850pt army when you’re done. Since I wanted to paint my Eldar anyways, I thought why not participate in the challenge for a chance to win something.

You can follow my thread in the IC forums here.

I started a little late, so making the January commitment has a little more difficult than I planned, as I got a little distracted by Muse On Minis WarMachine / Hordes painting commitment competition (see below). I wanted to send more time on these Dire Avengers, but it didn’t happen.


Good thing my February commitment is a second squad, so I can fix up the first group at the same time.



So I have more Trollbloods and Cygnar to paint for WarMachine / Hordes, and I noticed that Muse On Minis was having their own version of a painting challenge, so I thought, why not, I’m painting the stuff anyways, might as well try to win something.

Now I started small with my MoM pledge, only a couple models, which after reading the fine print, only netted me 1 pt for completing, but it’s a start.


I’m expanding my commitment in February, including a couple minis for Les.


The MoM forum for tracking commitments is a little less organized, as they group everyone in one thread, but you can check it out here.


I’ll keep updating here as the year goes on, and if you painting stuff anyways, join up! Any chance to win prizes for something you are going to do anyways is a bonus.

Trollbloods – Starting over

Well, it was inevitable. Ever since I first primed my Trollbloods metal starter set (using 12+ year old GW spray primer) I’ve been having issues with paint coming off. I initially blamed the fact they were metal or the old primer, but I seemed to have missed an important step in my prepping of the models, just like plastic kits, you should wash your metal models to remove any release agent.

So after the four models took a small tumble, and scraped off paint in a few places, I opted to start over rather than continue to potentially having to deal with more issues. This will also be a bit of an expirement for me, to see of the multiple layers of gloss and matt varnish I use with the oil paint washes will provide additional protection.

This also gives me the opportunity to pin a few of the models (one of the Impaler spear has already broken and the other isn’t that far behind) and fix a few of the mistakes I made painting them the first time around.

More to follow…

On the painting table: Les’ Khador Army 5

Catching up on my updates.


1. Base-coated and sealed with gloss varnish.

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On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 4

More work on the comrades tonight.


The last red highlight airbrush coat went on tonight.  Ironically, I used Khador Base Red, which is a great bright red, similar to the old GW paint “Go Fasta Red”.  I focused on areas that would be hit by a light source from above.

Next up all the metallic areas, which need a coat of black primer time help the metals stand out.  This step is getting done by hand.  If I was more confident with my airbrush I could speed up the process, but unfortunately I’m having issues that may lead to me replacing it shortly.

After getting so much done on this guy’s so quickly, it always feels like hitting a road block going back to a regular brush.  Next update may a few days so I can have something to show off.

On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 3

A little further along today.

Another coat of red, this time with Mephiston Red.  I held the airbrush at a 45 degree angle to be sure to avoid the areas in deep shadows.

The final red highlight coat should go on tomorrow and then on to the metalics.

On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 2

Quick update covering the two steps I was able to complete today.

I’ve started to base models as early as possible, as the primer coat and multiple base coats via the airbrush help seal the gravel much easier than a coat of watered down glue like I used to use.  I placed a few little rocks on as well as the gravel to make the bases look a little less plain.

Les wants the Man-o-Wars to look factory new, and the ‘Jacks to look beat-up.  All models got a good coat of Mecrite Red, being careful not to cover 100% of the model as I want to leave a little of the black undercoat to help with the shading.

Next up: first highlight layer using Mephiston Red.

On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 1

Having successfully converted Leshotep from his 40k Necrons to the red metal beasts of the North, it seemed only fair that I base coat his new mini’s for him. I plan on using the airbrush to do both the basecoat and a couple levels of highlighting using a technique I picked up from the Crimson Fist tutorial by my hero Les Bursley.

I’m going to start with Mechrite Red for the basecoat, spraying at a 45 degree angle covering all the model. For the first highlight, I’ll use Mephiston Red, focusing on the upper 1/2 of the model, finishing with Khador Base Red for the last highlight on the top 1/3. I’m staying away from the Khador Base Red as the initial base coat colour as both Les and I agree that it’s too bright for the look we’re going for.

I’ll post photos as the steps get completed tomorrow. Stay tuned.