Well, it was inevitable. Ever since I first primed my Trollbloods metal starter set (using 12+ year old GW spray primer) I’ve been having issues with paint coming off. I initially blamed the fact they were metal or the old primer, but I seemed to have missed an important step in my prepping of the models, just like plastic kits, you should wash your metal models to remove any release agent.
So after the four models took a small tumble, and scraped off paint in a few places, I opted to start over rather than continue to potentially having to deal with more issues. This will also be a bit of an expirement for me, to see of the multiple layers of gloss and matt varnish I use with the oil paint washes will provide additional protection.
This also gives me the opportunity to pin a few of the models (one of the Impaler spear has already broken and the other isn’t that far behind) and fix a few of the mistakes I made painting them the first time around.
More to follow…