Archive for April 2013

… And we have a winner… ME!

The guys over at just announced the winners of their 2013 Video Contest. Check it out.

40k BatRep 003 – 1,500pts Orks vs Tyranids

With life getting in the way, it took a little longer to polish the editing of this one off.  So without further adieu…

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

April Update

Or “Why hasn’t there been any new videos?!?

So, don’t you hate when life gets in the way of your hobby time? Between job hunting, interviews and getting a new job things have been a little busy.

So here’s what I have had time for over the last couple weeks…

Shoota Boyz


I picked up a full squad of used 30 shoota boyz from a great store for second hand minis, Worlds Collide in Oshawa. I’ve managed to pick up all sorts used stuff over the years, and none of it ever has the mold lines removed, but for 50 cent a boy, I can’t complain to much. So the squad has been cleaned up and based, all ready to be primed.



Skin and basing done on the grots for the Lobbas, just need to finish the highlights on the cloth.

Eldar Dire Avengers


After skipping a couple months of the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge, I’m aiming to paint this squad up, and HOPEFULLY we create a video as well (time permitting).

Oh, and I’m 90% done editing my 40K BatRep from late March, Orks vs Tyranids.

Here’s to a more productive next few weeks.