Archive for December 2014

Trollbloods 2015

It’s official, 2015 is going to be MY year of the Trollbloods.

After being somewhat disappointed with the new 40k Orks release, (and theĀ  thought / dread of having to paint 100+ models to be even remotely competitive), I began to think about my Trollbloods that had been sitting on my shelf, ignored for quite some time.

It was around this time that my buddy at my FLGS mentioned that there was a new Warmachine / Hordes community starting up in the fall, and that they were going to have a Journeyman League. This opportunity seemed too good to pass up, so I got the battle box content together and made it out to a few games.

These games, (and the witty banter in the Facebook group) has really helped solidify my interest in the game again, and has inspired me to get back to creating content for my YouTube channel, my blog, and all my other social media outlets.

So my plan/resolution for 2015 is as follows:

Video BatReps: I’ve recorded my first WM:H BatRep in over a year last week. Granted it was a battle box game, but as I’m still a little rusty on both playing and film, it makes sense. I plan to get in games with as many of the KW community members as possible, then move on to 35 and 50 point games, either starring my Trollbloods, or whoever wants a game filmed.

Video Tutorials: I’ve started to film a couple tutorials simultaneously as they are somewhat similar. I’m following the Marge Simpsons method of teaching, as long as I stay one lesson a head, I’ll be ok. I’m taking a slightly different approach to the tutorials, taking a page from the GW tutorials, but not locking people into using a specific brand of paint or brushes. Plus I’m going to try a couple duel method painting tutorials, one with airbrush and paintbrush, then the same model, paintbrush only,since not everyone has an airbrush.

Blog ( Weekly updates (Sunday nights), links to videos, and any lengthier articles (i.e. Tactics, list building, reviews, etc.)

tumblr (deffheaddice): My over-share outlet. Daily(ish) updates on the activities I’m up to, including sneak peaks of upcoming videos.

Should be an interesting year.

So what are you planning on playing this year?