Archive for September 2012

On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 4

More work on the comrades tonight.


The last red highlight airbrush coat went on tonight.  Ironically, I used Khador Base Red, which is a great bright red, similar to the old GW paint “Go Fasta Red”.  I focused on areas that would be hit by a light source from above.

Next up all the metallic areas, which need a coat of black primer time help the metals stand out.  This step is getting done by hand.  If I was more confident with my airbrush I could speed up the process, but unfortunately I’m having issues that may lead to me replacing it shortly.

After getting so much done on this guy’s so quickly, it always feels like hitting a road block going back to a regular brush.  Next update may a few days so I can have something to show off.

On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 3

A little further along today.

Another coat of red, this time with Mephiston Red.  I held the airbrush at a 45 degree angle to be sure to avoid the areas in deep shadows.

The final red highlight coat should go on tomorrow and then on to the metalics.

On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 2

Quick update covering the two steps I was able to complete today.

I’ve started to base models as early as possible, as the primer coat and multiple base coats via the airbrush help seal the gravel much easier than a coat of watered down glue like I used to use.  I placed a few little rocks on as well as the gravel to make the bases look a little less plain.

Les wants the Man-o-Wars to look factory new, and the ‘Jacks to look beat-up.  All models got a good coat of Mecrite Red, being careful not to cover 100% of the model as I want to leave a little of the black undercoat to help with the shading.

Next up: first highlight layer using Mephiston Red.

On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 1

Having successfully converted Leshotep from his 40k Necrons to the red metal beasts of the North, it seemed only fair that I base coat his new mini’s for him. I plan on using the airbrush to do both the basecoat and a couple levels of highlighting using a technique I picked up from the Crimson Fist tutorial by my hero Les Bursley.

I’m going to start with Mechrite Red for the basecoat, spraying at a 45 degree angle covering all the model. For the first highlight, I’ll use Mephiston Red, focusing on the upper 1/2 of the model, finishing with Khador Base Red for the last highlight on the top 1/3. I’m staying away from the Khador Base Red as the initial base coat colour as both Les and I agree that it’s too bright for the look we’re going for.

I’ll post photos as the steps get completed tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Banter BatRep @ MiniWargaming

The battle was epic, the banter was amusing, and a good time was had by both.

Part 1 is available now for free, but you’ll need a Vault membership to view parts 2 and 3.  I’ll be providing the the ‘rules you got wrong’ video later this week.

I’m aiming to write a review of my third trip to MWG, sharing some insights and experiences.

Trollbloods Update – 3 days left

Only three days left until my game against Dave @ MWG.

The light war beasts and warriors are ‘mostly’  done.   Just need to polish off the warcaster,  fell caller and the Mauler.   All do able with just a couple days left,  fingers crossed.