On the painting table: Les’ Khador army 1

Having successfully converted Leshotep from his 40k Necrons to the red metal beasts of the North, it seemed only fair that I base coat his new mini’s for him. I plan on using the airbrush to do both the basecoat and a couple levels of highlighting using a technique I picked up from the Crimson Fist tutorial by my hero Les Bursley.

I’m going to start with Mechrite Red for the basecoat, spraying at a 45 degree angle covering all the model. For the first highlight, I’ll use Mephiston Red, focusing on the upper 1/2 of the model, finishing with Khador Base Red for the last highlight on the top 1/3. I’m staying away from the Khador Base Red as the initial base coat colour as both Les and I agree that it’s too bright for the look we’re going for.

I’ll post photos as the steps get completed tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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