Orky Project – Lobbas 1


After to listening to several podcasts and reading articles on the interwebs, I’ve come to the realization that Orky big Guns are actually useful now thanks to the release of 6th edition.  With artillery crew receiving the toughness of their weapons (T7 Grots!!), these units now have significant staying power. Plus the Lobba can ‘snipe’ targets withe indirect fire rule.

The thought of nine S5 blast templates firing every turn makes me a happy WarBoss, but paying $35.75 CDN a piece does not.  So my plan is to scratch build as many as I can using the following materials…


I’ll be putting together a series of videos that cover the steps of building together your own lobbas, starting with a basic kit, then a more advanced version.  I will also be updating the blog with in-progress shots as thinks get done.


Sneak peek of my current test model.



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